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Though our curriculum is not accredited by any outside organization, we have aligned our online course and seminar with CASEL, the Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning, which is committed to evidence-driven SEL within public education in the United States.  Most participating districts in the United States seek to align their social-emotional curriculum with CASEL’s five domains, which are: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships, and responsibility.  As such, we have sought to do the same. Our online course and seminar was created by our founder, Leah Graham.  She is an educator who has taught high school for 13 years.  She has a Bachelor’s Degree in English, a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership, holds her Principal’s license, and is a published author.

You will need the capacity to download the reference materials which are all in PDF format.  This is normally already existing for free on your computer or mobile device.  While most video lessons were created in 4K, we have optimized video size so most people will be able to comfortably access them.

The online course videos are roughly 4 hours in total.  Another half-hour is designated for students to journal as they work through each video lesson.  The time it takes to complete the course assessment is around 10-15 minutes.

You will need a notebook and something to write with, in order to do some private journaling, as you work through the video lessons.  You will also need your computer or mobile device.  However, if you do not have access to paper and pen, you may simply take notes on your device.

That is okay, you can still progress through the course without it.  When you are ready to finish the course, please go back and click COMPLETE for each video lesson. You must do this in order to automate a Certificate of Completion.

The pricing for a school campus is the same as the current pricing for our live in-person Seminar.  We do offer a 20% discount for entire school districts interested in purchasing the individual online course for all of their educators.  Simply add the amount of campuses you might have in your district, multiply that by the current seminar price, and then subtract 20%.  That will be your pricing.

The pricing for a single law enforcement department is the same as the current pricing for our live in-person Seminar.  We do offer a 20% discount for entire precincts interested in purchasing the individual online course for all of their officers.  Simply add the amount of departments you might have in your precinct, multiply that by the current seminar price, and then subtract 20%.  That will be your pricing.

As with education or law enforcement, our pricing for our individual online course with smaller groups of 300 students or less, would top out at our current one-time seminar fee price.

Companies should consider pricing in groups of 300. (For example, 600 students would be twice the current seminar fee, 900 students would be thrice the current seminar fee, etc.)

As with education or law enforcement, our pricing for our individual online course with smaller groups of 300 students or less, would top out at our current one-time seminar fee price.

Hospitals should consider pricing in groups of 300. (For example, 600 students would be twice the current seminar fee, 900 students would be thrice the current seminar fee, etc.)